Self-assessment of people carrying out the dating on the internet (part II)

Stages of experimental work:

Psychological diagnosis of self-awareness and the level of self-esteem of a person.

1. At the first stage, the level of self-esteem was tested using several diagnostic methods. The goal is to clarify the self-esteem levels of respondents and correlate the obtained data on self-esteem levels with the prevailing mental states among respondents.

This stage included the processing of primary results, conducting their qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as a preliminary interpretation of the research results.

2. Next, it was necessary to find out which of the dating methods is most preferable for the respondent and why. The purpose of the second stage of the study is to analyze the method of dating, systematize data, formulate conclusions and general results for each subject. To achieve this goal, the interrogation method was used.

3. The third stage involved the final processing and interpretation of the results of the study, the establishment and correlation of data on the levels of self-esteem, the prevailing mental state and the preferred method of dating.

Based on our study, seven small groups were identified among respondents, which can be further defined into three large groups. To determine the level of self-esteem, we used 5 basic terms: excessively high (unrealistic), high, normal (realistic, average, adequate), low, underestimated (critical). We also took into account the indicators of relative stability and instability of self-esteem.

The first small group consists of people with high, realistic, stable, but not overstated self-esteem, identified by both methods. All of them have a high and medium level of aggressiveness. They equally prefer dating in real life and Internet dating.

The second small group is those who are unstable in the first test and underestimated in the second test (N.P. Fetiskin) self-esteem. They have increased rates of anxiety, frustration and rigidity. The aggressiveness indicators range from the lowest to the highest, which explains the increased level of anxiety and the unstable level of self-esteem. Such people prefer dating on the Internet, because they worry too much about it, do not know how to properly hide or show their aggressiveness.

The third small group consisted of respondents with normal, stable and moderately increased self-esteem for both tests. Prefer dating in real life

The fourth small group - the subjects in the first test have high unstable self-esteem, and in the second - medium, realistic. Get to know both in real life and on the Internet.

Fifth small group. It includes people who have normal self-esteem in the first test and underestimated in the second. Prefer to meet on the Internet.

The sixth small group consists of people with unstable and low self-esteem in the first test and low in the second. They have high rigidity and moderate anxiety. Prefer dating on the Internet.

The seventh small group consists of respondents with stable, realistic self-esteem in the first test and lowered in the second test. The subjects of this group do not exclude the possibility of dating in both ways, but still prefer dating on the Internet.

The hypothesis put forward by us was confirmed. Self-esteem affects the choice of dating method. People with normal, adequate self-esteem are more likely to get acquainted in real life than on the Internet, unlike people with low and high self-esteem.

Within the framework of this problem, in the future it is possible to direct attention to the study of the causes of “stuck” people with low and high self-esteem on the Internet.

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