Don’t Become A Statistic: 8 Bad Relationship Red Flags

While we all dream of the day where we meet our soulmate, that one person who we can see ourselves with through thick and thin, good time and bad, the reality is the person you’re with right now could very well not be the one.

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When you invest time, effort, and money into the wrong relationship you run the risk of missing out on the person you’re meant to be with. For the majority of people out there the regrets are not about the people they met but didn’t connect with, rather it's about the time they spent investing themselves in toxic partners.

Here are 8 relationship red flags for you to keep an eye out for:

1. You feel that something just isn’t right – Do not chalk this up to a fear of commitment or being silly. Trust your “gut”, relying on intuition has been what kept us alive as a species for aeons if you feel something is wrong then run like the wind.

2. They talk about all their ex… constantly – This could be a case of not moving on, and you are likely the rebound. Do not waste your time being someone else's cure to getting over their ex.

3. Everyone else is always wrong – No one is perfect, and part of growing into a good partner is owning your mistakes and allowing others to own theirs. This lack of responsibility and introspection reeks of someone who is not interested in growing as a person. If you are looking for a mature long-term partnership this most likely isn’t it.

4. They lie constantly, even about the most mundane things – Trust is vital to any real relationship and someone who lies all the time will never allow you to feel secure. It could also be symptomatic of a substance abuse problem.

5. You become cut off from friends and family – Pay attention to the “we don’t see you often” comments from loved ones and friends, as your partner could slowly isolate you from them.

6. Bursts of rage and jealousy – If your partner loves to discuss how hot or sexy another person is, and then explodes in rage when you meet a colleague or friend then chances are you need to move on. Neither the rage nor the double-standard is things you want in your life.

7. You are constantly monitored – From your internet use to your spending habits to your whereabouts when your partner demands full access to every aspect of your life it is a massive red flag. You do not belong to anyone, sharing in your life is a gift, not a right.

8. In a world where relationship-based violence is a terrifying reality please do everything you can to protect yourself. The facts are you will be loved after them, there are people who will keep you safe, you are the most precious thing in the world, and you deserve happiness and independence.

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